But I’m Small: How to Stand Out This Holiday Season

Let’s start by dispelling the myth that being small is a disadvantage. In business small does not mean powerless. You are an expert at what you do, that is your power. Let’s change the dialogue right here, “small” business is hereby changed to “expert” business.

You offer a unique experience. As an expert business, you have a power that no massive advertising budget can match. Your expertise and a distinctive touch along with a dedication to quality and customer satisfaction is your superpower.

It’s a cinch that most expert businesses cannot match the advertising budgets of the biggest corporations. No, you cannot hack the Federal Reserve and match the advertising budgets of the top corporations. Guess what, as an expert you don’t need a massive ad buy, if you want to stand out, you need innovation.

Using the Power of Experts

The Holiday Season is a crucial time for business. The Holiday sale is important. You know what’s more important, turning that customer or client into a satisfied one who comes back all year.

As an expert business, the owners and principles wear too many hats. You can’t be an expert in everything. Don’t take time away from your core expertise and brand to be a one-ring show.

As an expert business owner, always be aware of the uniqueness of your brand. Standing out during the holiday season requires the services of a company that understands other expert businesses. Stillwell+Co is a personal marketing consultation service that is an expert in inspiring clients through intentional actions for specific results.

Stand Out This Holiday Season

Sometimes as business owners it is easy to become blinded by the light. A new set of eyes with sunglasses can see more clearly.

In the new world of instant contact, marketing it is not just about throwing up posts on social media. A holistic approach to standing out includes:

Tell The Brand Story

Sometimes during the hustle of daily business, owners forget their own story and don’t share it. The essentials of branding include who, what, where, and why. Rediscovering and sharing your story is fundamental to the brand you create. Your story is one of a kind. Tell it.

Loyalty Programs

The reason that the “big” companies have rewards programs is that they work. It makes the customer feel like they belong plus it rewards them for buying. Customers buy more just to achieve a higher level in a rewards program. Stillwell+Co believes that most small businesses will benefit from a customized rewards program.


Whether you are an expert business online or on Main Street, events are a cost-effective way to attract new customers. Stillwell+Co is enthusiastic about using empowering promotional events to stand out during the Holiday Season.

Stand Out this Holiday Season by Changing the Small to Expert

As a business owner who has a vision and a passion for success, you can’t constantly sing, “All by Myself.” Brand awareness, data analytics, social media, email, newsletters, blogs, web updates, apps, and more on the horizon means that owners are spending fractured time doing each task and mastering none. Sometimes it is better to stand down in order to stand out. Stillwell+Co is an expert partner in marketing consultation who can tie it all together as one cohesive brand that will stand out during the holiday and every day.


Growing, Growing, Grown


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