3 Ways to Have a Better Life

As we talked through in our recent blog, using your intuition can guide you to many places in your business. But we often find business owners experience many obstacles that block their intuition from getting through. Intuition can be hard initially to hone in on, but it’s a necessary sixth sense that leads to better business results. To help business owners like you, we sat down and made a list of a few key rules and actionable steps to make these mindset shifts come to life.

Quality Over Quantity

When it comes to business, it is generally a benefit to subscribe to the ideal of ‘quality over quantity’. This can mean almost anything in your business. From employees to business partners, products and more. Picking the best quality is almost always the better approach.

Quality over quantity refers to educational resources, too. We often see business owners falling into the trap of subscribing to too many "helpful" resources. These resources can be newsletters, podcasts, groups on social media, and more. Basically, any type of content you consume can become overwhelming if you consume too much. This also includes feeling the need to purchase every expensive program, work with coaches, attend too many webinars, workshops, and attend every single conference. It’s unnecessary, and can lead to extreme overwhelm. Learning and growing is great, but not at the expense of your sanity.

Now, we want to be clear that we don’t think these accounts, people, seminars, coaches, etc. have bad intentions. These individuals are simply sharing information they believe to be helpful, but when information intake is not managed effectively, the voices of others can make you question your own decisions, processes, and intuition. Preserving your mindset is all about balance.

Our tip to you is to choose resources that are priority by making time for them with specific dates and times you have dedicated to learning and growth. A few actionable steps you can take are getting organized, setting boundaries, and cutting back on commitments. Remember, your schedule and time is precious and dear. Hold it close to you and be selective about how you spend your energy.

Blocking Negativity

What does it mean to block negativity? It’s important to note that negativity doesn’t just come from people you know, or people you don’t know. So much of a person's negative thoughts come from their own mind. Blocking negative thoughts you may have about yourself, as well as thoughts others project onto you, is critical to help you see clearly. When you listen to the raucous audience of individuals who want to help, but often don’t, you end up giving the microphone of your brain to individuals who can derail your thought process. They might mean well, but that doesn't always mean you should give their assertions time and energy. Learn to filter or simply not give them the space to insert opinions.

Negativity feeds negativity, often having a snowball effect. It’s important to remember not everyone will understand why you do the things you do, but they don't have to. Your value as a human being doesn't depend on the approval and praise you get from others. You’re not doing this for anyone else but you.

A few actionable steps you can take to help block negativity is having inspirational reading material around you to read each day, listening to your true voice, and keeping your purpose and goals top of mind.

Patience is a Virtue

Even in a world where we expect it all, immediately, nothing is instant. Even the microwave takes time! Everyone’s favorite shopping app takes at least 24 hours. Digital marketing takes a minimum of 3 to 6 months. The best things in life still take time and always will.

Filling every moment of margin between appointments with something that you've made urgent, such as emails or phone calls can be detrimental to your business and personal health. Patience with yourself starts by taking short breaks throughout the day, and lining out clear and reasonable expectations for yourself. Let’s not pretend like you don’t do it all! But filling your schedule to the brim only makes you feel busier, more scattered, and clogs your brain.

Patience with others starts by enforcing those boundaries you set, knowing most people are doing their best, and blocking out those noisy voices that can get in the way of living your vision.

A few actionable steps you can take to create a culture of patience in your life are being more mindful and in the present moment, remembering the playful parts of life and enjoying them, and building a tolerance for being uncomfortable.

These are a just few things I picked up from being in a fast-paced, ever-changing industry. Maybe it's our busy world, or simply just the abundance of information at our fingertips - but not being able to manage these parts of your life open a door for overwhelm to set in. When others are pressuring you to go, be, listen, consume, and ultimately SPEND, it can be draining. You might not be positioned to truly experience it to its fullest extent and not feel the strain personally, professionally, or financially.

To wrap it up, using your intuition can help you in all facets of life and business. Choose carefully. Block out the haters, and learn a thing or two about patience.

If you’re ready to put these mindset shifts to work and see more strategic growth in your business, it’s time to schedule a coaching session.

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